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Our Story

Grayswood Church.jpg

Photograph courtesy of Haslemere Educational Museum

The Grayswood Branch of the Women's Institute was established in August 1920; a time of great change with the Suffragette Movement just having secured the right of women to vote and the country still feeling the impact of the Great War.


The first minute book's entry was on 29th June 1920 and the impact of those lost in the War was still deeply felt; evidenced by the first inside front cover of the first minute book which includes an excerpt from a war poem written by Cyril Argentine Alington .

Grayswood School.jpg

Photograph courtesy of Haslemere Educational Museum

The Trust

They trusted God un-slumbering and unsleeping

He sees and sorrows for a world at war

His ancient covenant securely keeping

And these had seen His promise from afar

That though the pain, the sorrow, and the sinning

That righteous Judge the issue should decide

Who ruleth over all from the beginning

And in that faith they died.

They trusted England scarce the prayer was spoken

Ere they beheld what they had hundred for,

A mighty country with its ranks unbroken,

A city built in unity once more:

Freedom’s best champion, girt for yet another

And mightier enterprise for Right defied,

A land whose children live to serve their Mother

And in that faith they died.

And "us they trusted : we the task inherit,

The unfinished task for which their lives were spent;

But leaving us a portion of their spirit

They gave their witness and they died content.

Full well they knew they could not build without us

That better country, faint and far descried,

God’s own true England : but they did not doubt us

And in that faith they died."


It took a few months to get all the arrangements in place to officially start the Branch; venue, committee members, programme of events etc.



On 11th August 1920 the inaugural meeting was held


The first committee included:

Lady Atkinson-Willes - President

Miss Anne Spread - Vice President


Mrs Barnes

Mrs Glennie

Mrs Heines

Mrs Pennycate

Mrs J Smithers

Mrs Tuke

Miss Wait


Grayswood Pond and  School 1928

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